Budget Priorities
From dam and barrier removal projects, to streamflow enhancement, to drought response and preparedness, we advocate for large investment in California’s water management infrastructure—critical to the long-term viability of our state.

Legislative Priorities
We support legislation with a focus on drought planning, drought response, and improving the climate resiliency of water management practices in California.
Agency Priorities
We advocate for continued support of state agencies and their dedicated initiatives that can ensure the health of our natural waters for generations to come, including the California Natural Resources Agency, the CDFW’s North Coast Salmon Initiative, and the Outstanding National Resource Waters designation.

Make an impact.
We welcome online donations of less than $1,000 through our partner eFundraising Connections.
For gifts of $1,000 or more, please mail a check to the address below. Donors at this level receive regular communications from Trout PAC leadership on our latest efforts and priorities in making sure California maintains its healthy water and fish.
Trout Political Action Committee
c/o Stephen Company
1127 11th Street, Suite 210
Sacramento, CA 95814